Pokémon Team Planner

If you carry along the nostalgia of watching Pokemon cartoon series during your childhood, you must have heard of the Pokemon game. Whether it is Pikachu, Charizard, Bulbasaur, or Jiggly Puff, each of these pokemon comes with its own set of strengths and weaknesses. You can create a strong team to fight against your opponent in the game by using the tool named Pokemon Team Builder. This light and simple tool help create a strong team that works through the weaknesses of the opposite team and helps you win the tournament as a pokemon leader. Pick the Pokemon you would want in your team and this tool shows you its strengths as well as weaknesses.

What strengths and weaknesses does Bulbasaur have?

If you want to understand this tool better, here is an example of Bulbasaur which is a Grass-type Pokemon. When you add this pokemon to the tool, you can see that the strengths are highlighted in green while the weaknesses are highlighted in peach colour. The strengths of Bulbasaur include Water, Grass, Rock, Ground, and Fairy dust. While on the other hand, the weaknesses include Fire, Ice, Psychic attack, and flying.

What does Pokemon Team Builder actually do?

This tool actually doesn’t check the abilities of the pokemon, instead, it analyzes the types. The tool ignores abilities like “Levitation” and points out the weakness of the pokemon that it can be affected by any ground type opponent. With the help of this tool, you can easily measure which pokemon can be effective and function as a team player and sieve out the ineffective ones.

Latest Pokemon Team Builder Version

The latest version of Pokemon Team Builder is v2.0.10 with updates that include:
  1. Newly added Pokemon from the Ultra Moon/Ultra Sun
  2. Added feature for the export team that copies your team to the Pokemon Showdown
  3. Errors fixed for Moon/Sun Pokemon

Features of Pokemon Team Builder

The latest version of Pokemon Team Builder is v2.0.10 with updates that include:
  1. Create & save multiple teams of Pokemon
  2. Auto-suggestions when typing the pokemon names
  3. Addition of effectiveness tab that shows the types of Pokemon your selected team is better against
  4. You can also find the Pokemon based upon the type & regional Pokedex

How to Make Your Pokemon Team?

Getting ready for a Pokemon match soon? Well, it’s all a rush of making the right decision with perfect moves to plan the dual in the arena. So, how can you create that perfect team?

Here are all the dos and don’ts of Pokemon Team Builder.

Consider the Goals:

For your plans to beat the opponent in a Pokemon dual, you need to consider your goals. If you are planning to create a team to handle a competitive battle, you have to create a team that can stand at par with the top ranking Pokemon in the opposite team.

Plan your Strategies:

Unless you have a strategy in place to defeat the opposite team, planning the perfect team is almost impossible. Whether you want to target the rock type pokemon or the water type for the first or last half of your Pokemon dual will help you decide what pokemon type works best for your team.

Base Your Team around Specific Battle Mechanic or Move:

If you are opting for a team planner, you need to base the team around a certain move or the battle mechanics that you or your opposite team plan to follow. You can either base the team around one single battle mechanic such as Trick Room, Weather, or the Tailwind. Make sure you include Pokemon types that can help balance out different variants of weaknesses present in your team.

Consider Some Breeding Pokemon:

To get access to Pokemon types that are best for battling, you might be required to breed the desirable IVs, egg moves, or the natures. Pokemon can easily learn the moves from its parent types’.

Each Pokemon Should Be Critical:

When opting for Pokemon planner to create the perfect team, you need to plan out in a way that ensures proper use for each type. Every pokemon in your team should have a definite role. No pokemon should be left without use. Consider this formula:

  • Special Sweeper (A Pokemon Type with Highest Special Attack Status)
  • Physical Sweeper ( A Pokemon with a high-attack status)
  • Special Wall (Special Defense Wall)
  • Physical Wall (Pokemon types that flaunt high defence that help soak up any damage)
  • Lead (It is a Pokemon that helps setup field conditions or entry hazards early during the game)
  • Crippler (Pokemon that inflicts the status conditions & switches out as a sweeper)

Select Your Lead Pokemon:

When opting for a team builder, you need to select a lead Pokémon that is strong when compared to the best from the opponents. Look for activeness, flexibility, and speed for your lead pokemon, refrain from opting for bulky ones when it comes to settling on the best with a team maker.

Don’t Look for Brute Force:

Remember that Pokemon battling isn’t simply about clearing out the opponents. It is more about prediction and strategies. Do not use all your Pokemon’s power in the initial few runs. Wait for the right moment to attack with full force. Always start slow and advance in a convenient fashion.